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The Cost of Copywriting Services in Malaysia: What You Need to Know

The Cost of Copywriting Services in Malaysia: What You Need to Know – by Word Philocaly

The internet has transformed the way businesses operate, making it easier to connect with customers all over the world. However, with so much competition, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to stand out. This is where copywriting services come in.

In Malaysia, copywriting services are becoming more and more important for businesses of all sizes. However, as with any service, the cost of copywriting services in Malaysia varies depending on a range of factors. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the cost of copywriting services in Malaysia and what you need to know.

Factors that Affect the Cost of Copywriting Services in Malaysia

Before we dive into the costs of copywriting services in Malaysia, it’s important to understand what factors influence those costs. Here are some of the most important factors:

Type of Copywriting Services

Copywriting covers a wide range of writing services, each of which comes with its own pricing structure. Here are some of the most common types of copywriting services:

Website Copywriting

Website copywriting involves writing or revising the content on a website. This can include everything from the home page to the “About Us” section, product descriptions, and more. The cost of website copywriting in Malaysia typically depends on the number of pages on the website, the complexity of the content, and the experience of the copywriter.

SEO Copywriting

SEO (search engine optimization) copywriting involves writing content that is optimized for search engines. This means including keywords and phrases that people are searching for in the content. The cost of SEO copywriting in Malaysia depends on the competitiveness of the keywords, the length and complexity of the content, and the experience of the copywriter.

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Sales Copywriting

Sales copywriting involves writing copy that is designed to persuade people to take a particular action, such as buying a product or signing up for a service. The cost of sales copywriting in Malaysia typically depends on the length and complexity of the copy, as well as the experience of the copywriter.

Social Media Copywriting

Social media copywriting involves writing content for social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The cost of social media copywriting in Malaysia depends on the number of platforms you want content for, the frequency of posts, and the experience of the copywriter.

Experience and Expertise of the Copywriter

The experience and expertise of the copywriter also play a big role in the cost of copywriting services in Malaysia. A copywriter with years of experience and a track record of success will generally command a higher fee than a beginner copywriter.

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The cost of website copywriting in Malaysia can vary depending on the number of pages on the website and the complexity of the content. | Word Philocaly

Timeframe and Urgency of the Project

The timeframe and urgency of the project also affect the cost of copywriting services in Malaysia. If you need the copy completed quickly, you may need to pay more for the service.

Length and Complexity of the Copy

The length and complexity of the copy also play a role in the cost of copywriting services in Malaysia. Longer and more complex pieces of copy will generally require more time and expertise, which can increase the cost of the service.

Average Cost of Copywriting Services in Malaysia

Now that we understand the factors that affect the cost of copywriting services in Malaysia, let’s take a closer look at the average costs of different types of copywriting services.

Hourly Rate vs. Project-Based Rate

Most copywriters in Malaysia charge either an hourly rate or a project-based rate. Hourly rates can range from RM50 to RM300 per hour, depending on the experience of the copywriter. Project-based rates, on the other hand, are usually based on a set fee for the entire project.

Website Copywriting

The cost of website copywriting in Malaysia can vary depending on the number of pages on the website and the complexity of the content. On average, you can expect to pay between RM500 to RM1500 per page for website copywriting services. This includes writing or revising the content on the page, as well as any necessary research or editing.

SEO Copywriting

The cost of SEO copywriting in Malaysia also varies depending on the competitiveness of the keywords, the length and complexity of the content, and the experience of the copywriter. On average, you can expect to pay between RM800 to RM1800 per page for SEO copywriting services.

Sales Copywriting

Sales copywriting tends to be more expensive than other types of copywriting because it requires a specific set of skills to create copy that is persuasive and effective. On average, you can expect to pay between RM1000 to RM3500 for sales copywriting services, depending on the length and complexity of the copy.

Social Media Copywriting

The cost of social media copywriting in Malaysia depends on the number of platforms you want content for, the frequency of posts, and the experience of the copywriter. On average, you can expect to pay between RM300 to RM1500 per month for social media copywriting services.

Additional Costs to Consider

In addition to the factors mentioned above, there may be additional costs associated with copywriting services in Malaysia. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Editing and Revisions

Many copywriters in Malaysia will include a certain number of revisions in their initial fee. However, if you need additional revisions or editing, you may need to pay an additional fee.


Depending on the type of copywriting services you need, the copywriter may need to conduct research to ensure the content is accurate and effective. This can add to the overall cost of the service.

Rush Fees

If you need the copy completed quickly, you may need to pay a rush fee. This fee can vary depending on the copywriter and the urgency of the project.

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The experience and expertise of the copywriter also play a big role in the cost of copywriting services in Malaysia. | Word Philocaly

Tips for Finding Affordable Copywriting Services in Malaysia

While copywriting services can be expensive, there are ways to find affordable services without sacrificing quality. Here are a few tips:

Look for Freelance Copywriters

Freelance copywriters often have lower overhead costs than larger agencies, which can translate into lower fees for their clients.

Request Quotes from Multiple Copywriters

Before choosing a copywriter, request quotes from several different copywriters to compare pricing and services.

Consider Hiring a Copywriter on a Project Basis

If you only need copywriting services for a specific project, it may be more cost-effective to hire a copywriter on a project basis rather than paying hourly rates.


Copywriting services are an essential part of any successful marketing strategy. However, the cost of these services can vary widely depending on a range of factors. By understanding what factors affect the cost of copywriting services in Malaysia, you can make an informed decision about which services to choose and how much to budget for them. Whether you’re looking for website copywriting, SEO copywriting, sales copywriting, or social media copywriting, there are affordable options available to help you achieve your marketing goals.

Your Affordable and Top-notch Copywriting Services in Malaysia

If you’re seeking affordable and high-quality copywriting services in Malaysia, then Word Philocaly Copywriting is the perfect solution for you. With a team of seasoned copywriters, we have a track record of providing compelling, efficient, and convincing copy that can aid you in attaining your marketing objectives.

We understand that every business has different needs and budgets, which is why we offer a range of services to fit your specific requirements. Whether you need website copywriting, SEO copywriting, sales copywriting, or social media copywriting, we have the expertise to deliver the results you’re looking for.

At Word Philocaly Copywriting, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional customer service and ensuring that our clients are completely satisfied with the work we produce. We take the time to understand your business and your target audience so that we can create copy that speaks directly to your customers and drives conversions.

So if you’re looking for a copywriting service provider in Malaysia that is affordable, high-quality, and reliable, choose Word Philocaly Copywriting. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your marketing goals.

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Copywriting Costs and Services in Malaysia: FAQs

Q: What is copywriting and why is it important for businesses in Malaysia?

A: Copywriting is the process of writing persuasive and compelling content that promotes a brand, product, or service. It’s important for businesses in Malaysia because it helps to establish their brand identity, build trust with customers, and ultimately increase sales.

Q: How much does a copywriter in Malaysia typically charge?

A: Copywriters in Malaysia typically charge between RM250 to RM500 per hour, or between RM1,500 to RM5,000 for a full project. The cost may vary depending on the complexity of the project, the experience of the copywriter, and the scope of the work.

Q: What factors affect the cost of copywriting services in Malaysia?

A: Several factors can affect the cost of copywriting services in Malaysia, including the experience and expertise of the copywriter, the complexity of the project, the length of the content, and the timeframe in which the work needs to be completed.

Q: How can businesses in Malaysia find affordable copywriting services?

A: Businesses in Malaysia can find affordable copywriting services by looking for freelancers or agencies that offer competitive pricing, comparing quotes from multiple providers, and negotiating the terms of the project.

Q: What are some of the benefits of investing in professional copywriting services?

A: Investing in professional copywriting services can help businesses in Malaysia to improve their online visibility, enhance their brand image, increase website traffic, and ultimately drive more sales.

Q: What are some of the most important qualities to look for in a copywriter?

A: Some of the most important qualities to look for in a copywriter include excellent writing skills, a strong understanding of the target audience, the ability to write persuasively, and a good grasp of SEO principles.

Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid when hiring a copywriter in Malaysia?

A: Some common mistakes to avoid when hiring a copywriter in Malaysia include failing to define the scope of the project, not setting clear expectations or timelines, and not thoroughly vetting the copywriter’s experience and qualifications.

Q: How can businesses in Malaysia measure the effectiveness of their copywriting efforts?

A: Businesses in Malaysia can measure the effectiveness of their copywriting efforts by tracking website traffic, monitoring conversion rates, and soliciting feedback from customers and other stakeholders.

Q: What are some best practices for working with a copywriter in Malaysia?

A: Some best practices for working with a copywriter in Malaysia include clearly defining the scope of the project, setting realistic deadlines, providing detailed feedback, and maintaining open lines of communication throughout the project.

Q: How can businesses in Malaysia find the right copywriting services provider for their needs?

A: Businesses in Malaysia can find the right copywriting services provider for their needs by doing thorough research, asking for referrals from other business owners, and carefully evaluating the experience, qualifications, and portfolio of potential providers.

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