best about us pages writing service Malaysia

Writing an About Us page for online stores or eCommerce websites helps build your brand and increase customer confidence. When a customer wants to learn more about your business, website about us page is what they’ll look for.


Your online store can be more than just products to buy – it can be a place for your customers to learn more about your business. An About Us page for ecommerce websites lets customers know about your business, mission, and the people who run it. This builds trust in the store by letting customers know who you are. It helps to develop your brand identity by telling a story that’s memorable to your customers.


Today, we’ll show you how to create an About Us page for onlien stores, websites, Shopee, Lazada, and other ecommerce marketplaces. But we will focus more on marketplaces such as Shopee and Lazada.


You’ll start by adding a new page to your website, writing the content, then publish your page. So let’s get started!


Tips for Writing About Us for Your Website or Online Store

Here are some suggestions for writing an About Us page for online stores:


1. Adding Necessary Section

A good website About Us page includes information about your brand, values, and mission. Let your customers know your corporate values and what matters outside of profit. Keep the content focused and meaningful.


If you have a lot to say about your business, consider adding more content regarding your mission, vision, value, and other product information. You could also have sections called “FAQ”, “About our team,” “Shipping Policy,” and others.


2. Build Relationship Through About Us Page

Use your page to build your relationship with your customers. Your About Us page for webite should focus on things your customers care about and what your business offers. When you’re writing, think to yourself, is this something my customers would be interested in knowing?

e-commerce about us page

3. Branding Is Important

Use your About Us page to build and maintain your branding. If your store uses a particular color scheme, it should be the same on your website About Us page. We will write another article regarding branding to learn more about how to use color themes to customize your pages. So stay tuned!


Try adding appropriate fonts, slogans, pictures, covers, and colors to create an engaging About Us page.


4. Tell Customers about Your People

Connect with your customers by telling them about your team. You can even consider including photos and short biographies of the people who work with your business.


Depending on the theme you use, you can include a signup section for a newsletter to keep the conversation going. When a customer reads about you, they’re interested in your business, giving them a way to stay connected.


5. Don’t Forget about Product Links

Try to include links to essential products. You can discuss products relevant to your business’s history and success. Is there a product that inspired you to start this business? Or maybe a product that means something to you.


6. Storytelling Never Gets Old

Sell through your story! If you want to learn more about writing an About Us page for ecommerce websites that attracts customers, visit more of our articles for advice. We may even offer some templates in the future!


We will also have articles in the future on using the rich text editor to add images, links, and other media. 

About us content for ecommerce website

Wrapping Up

To finish creating your page, decide when you want to publish it. For most website building platforms like WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix, you can choose if and when your new About Us page is visible to your audience.


You can publish your new website About Us page immediately or save the draft when you still make some adjustments. If you want to post the page later, select a specific date of publishment; then choose the time and date when the page will appear on your website.


Your About Us page for online stores shall always have a tab appear on the Menu bar to your customers a way to click and access the page.


If you don’t add the About Us page in your menu bar navigation, customers won’t see it and thus won’t find it. To link your About Us page to the menu bar, you must publish the page. You can’t add hidden pages and pages with publishing dates in the future.


Once the About Us tab is added and linked to the About Us Page, it will appear in the main menu at the top of your website or online store. And you’re done! You just created an About Us page for online stores! 

Try to use your menu bar to navigate to your website About Us page.


Write About Us Page with Word Philocaly

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