website copywriting malaysia and seo copywriting malaysia

The global coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is having a great impact not only on public health but also on the economy. Many companies have had to shut their doors; and in many cases those that have not, they are losing tremendous sales. Although it is a temporary crisis, Word Philocaly has already seen great changes in our clients’ online marketing strategies.

Keep in mind that website positioning has been greatly affected by a coronavirus in Malaysia. Forced to stay at home, users were interested in topics like COVID-19 and other entertainment to kill time at home. Therefore, it has led many people to adapt to new habits due to confinement.

This translates, on one hand, into a notable change in Internet searches that can lead to a drop in website ranking. On the other hand, businesses are no longer earning revenue. And it is now time to make important decisions regarding search engine optimization (SEO) and digital marketing.

What SEO Steps to Take During and After Coronavirus in Malaysia

We see how many companies, especially small ones, decide to cut expenses and choose to eliminate their website SEO and SEO copywriting services. Of course, it is understandable if we think about the huge crisis they are currently experiencing. 

However, if we consider that SEO is a long-term strategy, excluding it now can have significant negative consequences. Since all the hard work you have done for your website ranking will be lost. Continuing the website SEO effort will probably be the best decision to help your business correctly positioned – even during this temporary situation. While website visits and sales will not be the same as the previous year during the coronavirus in Malaysia, SEO optimized website can prepare you to fight back even harder when this crisis is all over.


Coronavirus in Malaysia Brings Changes in Website SEO Strategy

Besides, we have seen a change in strategy when companies position their businesses on Google search engine. This implies to businesses that have seen some of their services strengthened due to the crisis; and that they have decided to slightly change their strategy to seek a better SEO position on Google and Google My Business

For example, cleaning, pest control, disinfection, disinfection, fumigation companies are especially important at the moment. Therefore, SEO copywriting, SEO content and SEO strategy are now focused on promoting these services. 

Besides, taking into account the routine change during the quarantine period, many businesses try to create an SEO friendly website – through attractive SEO content marketing copywriting and special offers. 

What Are Users Looking for Now during Coronavirus in Malaysia

So, what are users currently seeking? Beyond the topic that concerns us, searches are now directed to entertainment content; DIY (Do-It-Yourself) activities; home fitness and exercises; activities related to entertaining the little ones; cooking and baking; video conferencing and telecommunication; online training and education

Of course, things that can make staying home more pleasant and bearable for the whole family.

How should Businesses Approach the COVID-19 Crisis?

Each Malaysian business has a specific situation that can lead to a different solution. What’s important is to look beyond the current situation and the coronavirus in Malaysia. Then, carefully evaluate what strategy to follow, and what services are essential; as well as what will be the future consequences of making certain decisions.

Some strategies are directly affected by the crisis, especially those seeking results of conversions and short-term return on investment. However, there are also strategies such as website SEO and social media marketing that have long-term objectives. These long-term strategies can be adapted in times of crisis to improve the brand image and offer added valueto users. Keep in mind that you need to always make use of your competitive advantage when it comes to webpage SEO. This is the only way you can acquire more leads and traffic during the coronavirus in Malaysia and when the crisis ends.

Website SEO, Website Copywriting, and SEO Copywriting with Word Philocaly

Website copywriting and website SEO techniques are advanced skills that require a specific strategy and deep industry experience. Our SEO and website copywriting services are supported by over a decade of knowledge and experience crafting engaging and attractive websites – for both audiences and search engines (such as Google and Bing). This is Word Philocaly’s secret sauce to outstanding website SEO and SEO copywriting.

Leave the fate of your online presence to the hands of our experienced SEO specialists and professional copywriter in Malaysia. Website SEO and SEO copywritng services done by true experts is the only way to generate results for your business.

In addition to website SEO and SEO copywriting services, we also provide the following services

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