Document Translation Service Malaysia: Contracts and Agreements - word philocaly

Document Translation Service Malaysia: Contracts and Agreements

Document Translation Service Malaysia: Contracts and Agreements – by Word Philocaly

There are different specialties or areas within the professional document translation service Malaysia. Word Philocaly articles have demonstrated to our audiences the various fields and industries we carry out translations. Here are some examples: technical, legal, medical, literary, financial, video productions, and many others. 

But in this article, we would like to focus on professional contract and agreement translation.

Document Translation Service Malaysia for Agreements and Contracts Are Critical

People are constantly talking about global businesses, business development, big ideas for revenue growth, and various aspects of human communications in today’s world.

Did you see the similarities of all these hot topics? The principle of all these concepts is based on an agreement between two parties (or more if required). Parties are entities or individuals who are going to cooperate to achieve mutual benefits.

Use of Appropriate Terminology

Like other legal documents, translating contracts can be complicated. The actions and benefits of the parties depend on the particular interpretation of the clauses of an agreement. 

Therefore, it is even more crucial to convey an unambiguous message in the translation to avoid possible misinterpretations or legal loopholes.

Since contract translation or agreement translation process is one of the categories in legal translation, the same rules apply for the use of terminology and sentence structures. 

The proper use of structures and the appropriate terminology will ensure that the translation of a contract or agreement is understandable and precise to all parties. In other words, all parties to the agreement can comprehend the content explicitly and one way only.

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Format of Contract Translation or Agreement Translation in Malaysia

Another critical aspect to avoid confusion and misunderstandings is the format of the contract or agreement. 

1. Contracts or Agreements in Multiple languages 

An excellent standard contract format in Malaysia (applicable to international contracts or agreements) is one where the translation of the contract clauses is placed in columns next to the original. Therefore, it is a bilingual contract with perfectly translated and aligned texts.

Even though one of the parties may not understand one language of the contract, this bilingual layout provides a quick overview of dates, values, numbers, and of course, a sense of equality between the parties. 

A majority of clients see equal treatment when conducting business as extremely important.

2. Bold and Capitalization

One more aspect that you must consider with the contract format is the use of bold and capitalization. Depending on the target language, the capitalization rules may be different. It is always important to distinguish the terms used and the parties involved in the contract. This practice also contributes to a clear understanding of all the information in a contract.

Tips when Translating a Contractor Agreement

Once a professional translator has finished drafting the contract, it is advisable to read and proofread the translation several times carefully. 

Also, ask yourself if all the necessary points and aspects are all in the contract. It is highly recommended that you have few other people besides the contract writer and translator to proofread.

With the above tip in mind, you can eventually deliver super high quality, clear-cut, and compelling final version of your translated contract or agreement. Apart from saving time and money, you can also avoid unnecessary inconveniences and possible errors.

If you want to convey a sense of respect to the future partner who will sign the contract and speak another language, it is advisable to send them a translated copy before the signing. 

By doing this, you can ensure that the other party read it first-hand and properly understand everything stated in the contract to prevent misunderstandings and legal complications.

Document translation service Malaysia: Ready to Get Help for Your Contract Translation?

Word Philocaly provides document translation services and contracts translation services across Malaysia and all countries in the world. We can provide our document translation services Malaysia online and remotely, no matter in which corner of the world you are. 

Contact Word Philocaly today to learn more about our translation services in Malaysia or request a quote. 

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