As you all know, Word Philocaly is a Malaysia translation company not just here to do business, but also to help people. Therefore, we have prepared the following article to help you understand the process of how to translate a document or website.
This is an overall process of our translation service in Malaysia, and the details may vary depending on the following elements: industry, context, language, and client’s requirements.
However, the following 7 steps can give you a pretty good idea of how Word Philocaly provides you with the best translation services.
7-Step Translation Process as a Malaysia Translation Company
1. Initial Reading
The very first step of a translation process is to read the original text. This is a no-brainer. Because we won’t know what we have to translate if we don’t read it beforehand. So you have to read the document first to get a big picture of what it is about.
Then, we look for words that we don’t understand. This is especially critical when we encounter technical terms or jargon. However, this often won’t be a problem for us because we have professional translators that are specialized in different industries.
Even if that’s a fairly new industry for us, we will do immense research or consult with experts in particular fields. As a reputable translation company in Malaysia, we will not skip this part and compromise the translation quality.
2. Determine Issues and Resolve Doubts
Almost all of you will agree on this step. While we are doing the initial reading of the original text, we will highlight terms and phrases that we don’t understand; or when we’re not so sure if what we understand is correct. And Albert Einstein said it best and his saying applies to almost every scenario.
“if I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it,” – Albert Einstein
Want more quotes about content marketing? Here you go.
Once we have identified all the questionable terms and phrases, we will confirm their existence and usage in dictionaries. But we won’t limit ourselves to just dictionaries; we will also make use of different tools to cross-check and validate them. For example, a search on Google, the industry’s forum, a credible industry organization. A consultation with an industry expert may also be necessary.
The reason we said we never limit ourselves to just dictionaries is that translation based on dictionaries are only literal translations. The literal translation sounds monotone, dry, and most of the time don’t reflect the business culture and industry.
3. Read the Original Text, AGAIN
Here comes the step we strongly recommend doing it, although some Malaysia translation companies do not. It is reading the original text once we have clarified the terminological doubts. Since we have done the necessary research, this time we can understand the entire text more accurately.
We will even do a second (or a third) reading when it is necessary.
4. Translate the Content
Only after completing these steps of reading, researching, and re-reading, we will get into translating a web page or a document. Of course, we have the best professional translators to get this part done perfectly. They are not only language experts, but also industry experts who understand your markets well.

5. Set the Translated Copy Aside
A lot of translation companies in Malaysia skips this step just to meet an urgent deadline. However, Word Philocaly does not. We give much importance to this step.
Once our professional translation specialists have finished the translation, they will set it aside for a while. This is just like editing after we’ve finished our copywriting. This is to disconnect our minds from the translated text for a while. Because when we work long hours on the same text, errors may occur and our eyes may not be able to realize it at that moment.
So when we come back to it again, we may be surprised to spot something we didn’t see before. For example, perhaps some words don’t make sense; the sentences don’t flow very well; the tone of voice is a bit off.
Of course, the resting period doesn’t have to be long. It can range from a couple of hours to a few days. However, since we are a professional translation company in Malaysia, we have to meet our customer’s deadlines as well. So a couple of hours will be enough.
This step is not only recommended for just a professional translator, but also our copywriters, content writers, and proofreaders.
6. Review the Translation
After the little rest, we will start reviewing the translation. This is where we begin to refine what we have written and translated. We review grammatical errors, terminology, and syntax. We spend a lot of effort on the syntax; we want to make sure that the translated text reflects the original document accurately.
Moving on, we will have another two people in our translation agency to carry out two more rounds of review and proofreading. Quality control is an imperative part of our translation services.
7. Read the Translation Aloud
Following the review and proofreading, the final step may surprise you: we read the translated text out loud. By reading our translation aloud, we get an idea of how it flows. Then, we can identify if there are any interruptions, any needs of punctuations, etc.
Word Philocaly Is Your Malaysia Translation Company
Word Philocaly’s language translation services are to provide businesses with effective global communication. We are a Malaysian translation company that has partnered with clients from all over the world. We are ready to facilitate your journey into a globalized world with quality, speed, and good advice.
Our uncompromising values are what enable us to deliver your high level of customer satisfaction. Now it’s time to prepare all your business information for multilingual consumption. Count on Word Philocaly for your global success – get started today!
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