Why Content Marketing Strategy Is the Future of Marketing - word philocaly

Why Content Marketing Strategy Is the Future of Marketing?

Everywhere you turn, you hear about content marketing or content marketing strategy. Seth Godin said that content marketing is the only marketing left. Nine out of ten B2B marketers said that their companies are using content marketing strategy. And 78% of chief marketing officers believe custom content is the future

Content Marketing Strategy Is Giving

So what’s all the fuss about? Well, advertising is about selling prospects on your offering. Content marketing is about giving them something, and 82 percent of buyers will feel better about your company after reading your content. Because you’re showing them you understand their needs and how to solve their problems.

Okay, but what about sales? Isn’t online advertising the best way to generate revenue? The truth is online advertising isn’t as effective as it used to be. There are 236 million people blocking desktop ads, and 380 million are blocking mobile ads by comparison. People want to engage with content that’s tailored to their needs. That’s why content marketing generates three times as many leads as advertising – even though it costs 62 percent less.

Why is content marketing so effective?

Content marketing strategy starts with site traffic. When you publish and promote quality content, it attracts visitors. When you add more content, there’s a compounding effect. 

Firstly, the more content you have, the more pages searchers can find you. 

Secondly, people who come to read one piece of content can see and read others. And finally, people who love your content will come back again and again.

That’s why annual traffic growth is eight times greater for content marketing leaders than for others. The lasting traffic from ads is like water. If you stop the ads and the traffic will stop abruptly as well.

But when you create content, the content can become permanent web real-estate that can drive traffic. And if you include well-placed calls to action in your content, you can turn your site visitors into leads. Conversion rates are nearly six times greater for sites that adopt content marketing!

In addition, content marketing makes other elements of your online marketing mix more effective. For example, SEO contents are one of the three most important ranking signals in Google’s search algorithm. Content can earn links from other sites, which can boost your authority and help you even better.

Quality content can also drive email signups and provide source materials for your email marketing and social media campaigns. It’s easy to see what content marketing has been embraced by successful companies all over the world.

Word Philocaly Helps You with Your Content Marketing Strategy

Word Philocaly made it possible for your business to focus on what you do best. Our team‘s knowledge and expertise will free up your valuable time. We are a full-service firm and can handle more than just copywriting aspect of your content marketing strategy. We fuel your content marketing efforts and help grow your business. 

For example, we offer SEO copywriting services to help you get found on the Internet and drive traffic to your website. Also, we provide social media copywriting and social media management to get the right message and content to your audience. 

Do you need help with copywriting and content marketing strategy? Talk to us today.

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