Language translation services are critical in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic because they disperse crucial information around the world. Researchers working on COVID-19 can use Word Philocaly‘s services to share and disseminate their study results in a variety of languages. As a language service provider in Malaysia, we also work to fulfil the increasing industry’s changing demands as the pandemic persists and decelerates after it.
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Translation Market Worldwide
This pandemic has posed many challenges for translation services, which has caused language service providers to refocus their efforts. In light of the outbreak, 66% of language service providers have seen a drop in business, as shown in a recent poll.
According to the findings of another survey, smaller translation service companies are having money issues, but only 12% of the businesses surveyed intended to let go of staff. The industry’s freelancers have also been badly affected.
An 8 per cent decline in languages service revenue by 2021 is predicted due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
Translation Services during this Critical Time
Industry leaders are putting their efforts toward supporting the public in these trying times, whether or not their enterprises have been negatively affected. There is no denying that the global pandemic sheds light on how vital translation services are in times of crisis.
There have been over 500 language translations of reliable COVID information, indicating the importance of multilingual information sharing. Fact sheets, case studies from the World Health Organization (WHO), and more than 400 videos translated into at least 150 languages have all been included in these translation projects.
The need for human translators may be even more evident than the need for businesses to depend entirely on machine translations. People expect truthful data in their native language, especially during tough times, to realize what is happening; human translators play a significant role in this, as they can provide context to the communications transmitted.
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Significant Changes in Translation Services Demand
According to the language services industry, the type of translations required has changed dramatically as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. Translations demand is down in the travel and hospitality industry because these businesses aren’t marketing as much to people right now. However, other translation services are in high demand, such as:
Document Translation: It is critical to translate various types of documents into numerous languages. Translations of WHO news releases, government publications, and guidelines, as well as a wide range of business contracts and agreements, are in high demand right now.
Medical Translation: Medical translation is a crucial component during a pandemic. Medical research, publications, articles, and general medical information and infection updates are in high demand due to the volume of data being distributed.
E-Learning: While many people had to go into quarantine because of an outbreak, e-learning has become an essential part of many students’ lives. For this, the demand for translation services has risen.
eCommerce: Due to the quarantine period, many organizations are refocusing their marketing efforts on interacting with customers electronically. Today, a firm’s survival depends on practical marketing efforts and e-commerce strategies. As a result, ads and product materials must be translated.

The Translation Industry’s Future
Many changes will occur in the post-pandemic scenery, but the translation services industry is expected to spotlight. The following are some of the industry’s most anticipated changes:
- Virtual meetings with staff, vendors, and customers will grow in popularity among language service providers, just as they have in other industries.
- Many language service providers’ employees will continue to do their work from home in the future.
- Travelling to see clients and networking events will reduce hugely.
- Language service providers will adjust their marketing and sales strategies in response to market shifts.
- When it comes to large-scale multilingual activities, translation services will be ready to help.
Countless countries are reopening in phases as the pandemic progresses. When people need help gearing up for whatever stage their geographical area is in, Word Philocaly is available to help out with translations.
Translation services are critical in communicating important information to the general public as the combat against COVID-19 continues around the world. The COVID-19 research team and diverse business industries can share their findings and knowledge with the world using Word Philocaly’s services.
Word Philocaly Offers Professional Language Translation Services
Word Philocaly provides personalized, high-quality, on-demand and language translation services to small and large businesses, government agencies, not-for-profit organizations, and service companies. We can deliver language translation services from anywhere to assist you in connecting with your customers regardless of their locations or language types.
Our language translation services are integrated into a client’s operations, adaptable to a company’s system, and, most importantly, high quality, emphasising value addition at every stage. Customers – both domestic and international – receive personalized service. You will have the guarantee of the most competitive pricing.
The professional teams at Word Philocaly have decades of combined experience in diverse industries. We provide language services that are customized to your changing demands while achieving the highest quality standards. Word Philocaly continuously evaluates, measures, and updates you on all project outcomes – ensuring that you receive the accurate and consistent language assistance you and your business seek.
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