How to Make Presentation Slides for Your Company? Here Are the Best Tips! – Word Philocaly
You want to inspire and impress your customers with a company presentation. This presentation is usually a first live impression of your company, and you never get a second chance to make a first impression. So, immediately inspire your customer with a professional and substantive presentation. Because ultimately, we all want to build a good relationship with customers to sell them something. It’s that simple.
A professional company presentation helps you to sell a product or service more easily. A good presentation depends on several factors. The content of the presentation, the technique you use, the design, and communication. Below we discuss the mentioned three areas.
Communication is how you tell the story to customers. Do you want to know more about that? Continue reading.
How to Make Presentation Slides for Your Business
Do you want…
… achieve more turnover?
… win trust of your customers?
… use one presentation for different target groups?
… an inspiring presentation?
Did you answer yes four times? Then, the following advice on your how to make presentation slides is extremely helpful to your business!
What does a good business presentation achieve?
In our opinion, a professional company presentation fulfills three subjects. The content of the business presentation, the technique you will use, and the design of the presentation. Below we describe these tips in many steps. We often see that many people jump straight to designing their PowerPoint when the first two steps have not yet been completed. The advice is not to do so that you first have everything clear for yourself. You will see that you can complete the PowerPoint with information faster and be much more goal-oriented if you follow the tips step by step.
Struggling on how to make presentation slides for your business? Would you rather have your company presentation and profile made and written by a PowerPoint specialist and professional copywriters? Get in touch with us today so we can assist you!
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What Should a Company Presentation Include? Content for an outstanding company presentation:
Tip 1: Company presentation content (defining content)
- Why do you give the presentation?
- What is the target group and the level of knowledge?
- What objective do you want to achieve with your presentation(s)?
- In what setting will the presentation be given?
- What will the actual content and structure be?

Tip 2: Determine the technique
- Which software are you going to use?
- What equipment will you use?
- What format of the presentation do you use, and why?
- Will the presentation be interactive or chronological?
Tip 3: Design presentation
- Is there a standard template available, or does it still need to be developed?
- How can I best fill the presentation?
Tip 4: Make your inspiring business presentation in 12 steps
- Intro / home page
- Interactive agenda
- Team proposals
- Vision and Mission
- Timeline
- Charts
- Tables
- Make slides with a lot of attractive text
- Processes with SmartArt
- Screenshot using a mockup
Tips on How to Make Presentation Slides: The Details
Alright, now we’re going into the nitty-gritty of these tips:
Tip 1: Company presentation content (determine content)
Why are you giving the presentation?
Have you thought carefully about why you are going to give the presentation? What is the WHY of your company, product, or service that you want to convey? In other words, what do you stand for as an organization? And what do you want to achieve with it? Is that, for example, radiating professionalism or gaining confidence? Think carefully about what makes you different from the competition.
What is the target group and the level of knowledge?
Do you know who your target audience(s) are? You can determine this target group at the industry, company, and position level. In addition, it is essential to know whether it is about a potential customer or about maintaining a relationship.
Example: When it’s about fostering a relationship, you don’t want to tell the company’s history again, but maybe you want to go straight to new products or innovations. Then you may also be talking to tech and want to discuss all the details. A company CEO wants to convince you by explaining the “why” of the new product rather than the technical details.
What objective do you want to achieve with your presentation(s)?
Do you know what you want to achieve with the presentation? Have you written down a SMART goal for yourself? Do you only want to inform the target group, or do you want to sell directly? Do you want to create support for a new idea, or do you want to inspire confidence? Put this objective on paper for yourself, and you will see that the approach of your presentation will become more goal-oriented. After you have determined the goals, try to ask yourself whether each slide contributes to achieving the objectives. If this is not the case, it is better to delete the slides because they have no added value.
In what setting will the presentation be given?
Are you giving the presentation 1-on-1, in front of a group of 10 people or a room with 100 people? It is essential to ask yourself this. It is, of course, also possible that you want to use the presentation for multiple settings. It’s just a matter of thinking carefully about these choices and that you can tailor the presentation accordingly.

What will the actual content and structure be?
Based on the answers above, you can determine a structure and storyline for yourself. First, write out the answers to the first three questions in Tip 1 for yourself to have a clear idea of what kind of storyline you want to write and the structure of your presentation. A standard structure on how to make presentation slides that is commonly used is as follows:
a. Personal introduction
A short story about yourself. What is your background, your position, what are your motivations, and any hobbies? Many people overlook this step, but it’s imperative to make a personal connection before starting a business message.
b. About Us
General information about the company. Among other things: What do we do? How many employees are there? Where are we?
c. Mission and vision
What does the company stand for, and where do we want to go?
d. Strategy
What does the market look like, and how does the company operate within this market? How do we want to achieve our objectives?
e. Corporate Story (Summary of the company’s history)
An overview of milestones in the form of dates, explanations, and any accompanying images.
f. Products/services
What products and services does the company provide, and their features and benefits?
g. Partners
Which companies does the company work with? What are the reasons and benefits of these collaborations?
h. References
Who are our customers, and what do they say about us?
i. Summary
General summary. What is the purpose of the presentation?
j. Closing
Here you can, for example, end with a call-to-action.
Tip 2: Determine the technique
What software will you be using?
There are different types of software that you can use to create a presentation. We have tested various programs. We chose PowerPoint because it is the most comprehensive tool for creating inspiring presentations. But even if you have selected PowerPoint, you still have several versions. The latest version is PowerPoint 2021, which is available in Office365. This version includes all features such as Zoom and Morph. Another difference is in Mac or Windows. The latest PowerPoint version of Mac contains almost all functionalities, but you are assured of all functionalities with a Windows version.
What equipment will you use?
Are you using an Apple or Windows operating system? Do you present on a beamer or an LED screen? Are you showing the presentation on a laptop or iPad? These are essential questions to ask yourself. It is a pity if you have made everything on a Windows operating system and noticed that everything does not work on your Apple device.

What format of the presentation do you use, and why?
Another reason you want to know on which device you are going to present is the format of your presentation. Nowadays, all screens can handle 16:9. However, we often see someone present with two large black bars on the sides. That doesn’t look nice, and you also miss space for your story on the screen.
Will the presentation be interactive or chronological?
An interactive presentation means that you create a calendar with clickable buttons. This has the advantage that you no longer have to go through the many slides chronologically. With an interactive presentation, you can select the relevant information at that moment on the spot. You can also build an interactive presentation so that you can present both chronologically and interactively. If you only use the presentation to deliver to large groups, it is advisable to make a chronological presentation.
In addition, it is crucial how you operate the presentation. For a large group, it is better to use a presenter. However, when you have a 1-on-1 conversation, you use the keyboard or the mouse. This can therefore differ per setting.
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Tip 3: Design presentation
Is there a standard template available, or does it need to be developed?
We always work from a template. The advantage of this is that employees can easily add beautiful slides themselves to the company’s corporate identity. As a result, you don’t get 101 different PowerPoint presentations lying around your company.
How can I best fill the presentation?
When you have determined the content, the structure, and the various basic layouts have been designed, it is time to fill the presentation. Try to estimate as accurately as possible for each slide which format you need.
In the our next article, we explain step-by-step how you can create a beautiful design for your presentation.
How to Make Presentation Slides for Your Company – Feedback from Clients
If you go through all the steps described above, you should obtain a presentation that is satisfying and serves its purpose . Of course, you must have expertise in-house in all areas on how to make presentation slides. If you don’t, don’t worry, we can help: talk to one of our experts and we will guide you along the way.
Here are some feedback from our happy clients:
“Word Philocaly helped us create a dazzling presentation with a high entertainment value. That worked. The presentation is interactive and entertaining, and a good business card for our brands invites a conversation. People enthusiastically acknowledged the presentation. A huge improvement for our business!” – Ivan Cheng, Communication, and Media Research Manager
“Our presentation has slides with a lot of text to make a visually attractive presentation. Definitely a presentation with the WOW factor. A presentation should convince sponsors to enter into a partnership with us. The PowerPoint presentation from Word Philocaly exudes all the messages we wanted to deliver. Also, an interactive presentation with subtle animations makes it a lively whole. ” – Kai, Marketing Manager
“Our company presentation informational and interactive to be used for multiple target groups. In addition, the presentation is easily adaptable for employees. It is a corporate presentation that has a professional appearance. Loved it! We also wanted to be able to show our brands in one PowerPoint in an energetic and dynamic way. So, the final presentation slides allow us to choose both brands at the start of the presentation. The result is a presentation that pops and bursts with energy!” – Muhammed Sualman bin Nik Hurmin
“Using powerful visuals, this has become an impressive and professional company presentation. Excellent detail of this presentation is that the logo is used as the basis for the design. Our presentation written and designed by Word Philocaly also contains various brands. This presentation is also used for both small and large groups. With the help of an interactive agenda, you can easily navigate through the presentation. ” – Carrie Yeo Quay Nian
“Our company offers many products and services. These were stored in several PowerPoint presentations. Word Philocaly has combined these into one presentation. In this way, several employees can present this complete deck to customers.” – Vera Tee, Enhance B2B Communities
Dynamic Portals has five brands. These brands are compiled in one presentation. The client wanted the brands to be easy to approach in the presentation, and it also had to be easy to adapt for the employees. All of this elements has been incorporated into this presentation with the help from this professional copywriting company in Malaysia.” – Pragash Namasivayam

Did you know?
Below are the important findings from “The Big PowerPoint Study”.
- 68% of employees within companies use PowerPoint.
- These employees work on average 20 hours per month with PowerPoint.
- 8 of the 20 hours of this they spend on making slides.
- Although almost 40% of the time is spent on layout, 70% of the presentations do not meet the corporate writing and design guidelines.
- 34% of the work can potentially be automated (layout, slide search, etc.), giving more time to think about the content.
- 79% of users have received no or only basic PowerPoint training through their employer.
Have you had a professional business presentation deck ready?
Word Philocaly is happy to help you improve business, close more deals, and earn more money! With our help, many companies have won pitches and sold their products and services sold. Trust us, your potential and existing clients will be inspired by businesses who have had their professional business presentations crafted and designed by Word Philocaly.
Expertise in various areas is mandatory for a perfect presentation (technique, content, and design). And Word Philocaly has jsut that.
Benefits You will Get when Engaging Word Philocaly:
- An inspiring presentation
- Easily adaptable
- All colleagues can work with it
- Time-saving because we have the slides written and designed for you in advance
- Everyone works in the same house style
- A document that anyone can work from
- Easy to respond to the target group
- Suitable for multiple settings
- More turnover
Would you like to discuss your options on how to make presentation slides that are professional, and most importantly, effective? Then you are always welcome to have a chat with us.
Message us directly via our contact form. Or you can also call us or WhatsApp us at 010-8188 732.
More Testimonials from Clients
“The process went very smoothly. Communication was flexible, patient, and prompt. Friendly in contact. We are a large company that is quite complex for outsiders. Quite an art to present the profile and strategy in an accessible way, with specifics here and there, without sacrificing seriousness and substance. It turned out to be a beautiful presentation, especially the copywriting. The first reactions from our clients and employees are very positive. Thank you, Word Philocaly Copywriting” Muhamed Hj Che Rohman, Communications Advisor
The Presentation / PowerPoint and Copywriting Expert – Word Philocaly
We are Word Philocaly and are specialized in creating professional PowerPoint presentations through powerful copywriting and captivating design. We have worked with hundreds of companies to data and have provided an inspiring company presentation from small and medium-sized companies to multinational companies.
Not sure how to make presentation slides that are professional and powerful?
Really to get started with PowerPoint / PPT yourself? Finally, we have come down to Tip #4. You often go through the same steps when making a business presentation:
Tip 4: Make your inspiring business presentation in 12 steps
Intro/home page
The first impression is critical. Make sure you start with a title slide that immediately inspires visitors. In addition, this is the slide that is usually on the screen the longest time.
Interactive calendar
An interactive agenda ensures that you can respond to the needs of the public. Your first conversation with a potential customer could be with a marketer, for example, and the second with a CEO or financial director. With a clickable menu, you can switch between the different chapters you want to present to choose what you want to show per situation.
Introducing a team
If you run into someone at a networking drink, always introduce yourself. You do that to make a connection with that person. This will usually be in a business context, but you can also choose to share some of your private life. Unfortunately, this is sometimes skipped during presentations. You must connect with someone while presenting.
Vision and Mission
As a company, you want to show what you stand for and the vision and mission. To make that come across in the right way, just words on a slide is not enough, making it very dull. Therefore, use images that are supportive of the text. That makes it more attractive to look at, and the message sticks better with the audience.

You use a timeline to show the organization’s history to the public. You can tell when you started and what the organization’s milestones are. You do this to build a bond with the customer to gain trust and create a connection.
When your presentation contains specific data, it is often helpful to process this data in a graph in PowerPoint. However, we often see very unappealing charts with a fairground of colors. This could, of course, be done much better, in the house style and correctly designed.
Table slide
You may have to process quite a bit of data in a presentation. To present this clearly, you can use a PowerPoint table. PowerPoint has several table styles that you can apply to your table, but they may not always meet your needs. Of course, you also want to design this in your organization’s house style.
Visuals and Text
You’ve probably experienced it before. While creating a presentation, you are processing content, and you discover that a slide only contains text. Such a slide is often very informative but does not look very impressive. So add visual elements and try to cut out as much text as possible to make your presentation look much better.
SmartArt process
Showing a process while presenting is a struggle for many. However, PowerPoint has a handy tool called SmartArt. With this tool, you can quickly and conveniently show processes in PowerPoint. In addition, it is also easy to adjust if something changes in the process.
Screenshots are usually placed separately on the slide. That often doesn’t look very nice. A solution for that is to put it in a mockup. For example, if you want to show a screenshot of your website, you can place it in a laptop mockup. Of course, you can also opt for countless other mockups to show the screenshots well.
Voila! That’s all for our How to Make Presentation Slides for Your Company? Here Are the Best Tips! We hope you find this article helpful. And don’t forget to talk to us if you need any copywriting and design assistance for your professional presentation slides / PowerPoint. See you in the next article!
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